Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Aerobics Barbie & Other Gym Atrocities

Last night an annoying incident at the gym inspired me to post this list of gym & work out pet peeves....

1. Aerobics Barbies (aka Gym Bimbos) - we've all seen them before. There they stand perfectly groomed & made up, in an utterly coordinated Lululemon outfit. They roam around the gym in pairs or groups of three and never seem to break a sweat. They are a giggling, ditsy, pain in the ass. Always getting in the way of serious gym goers.

2.Muscle Bound Morons - these are the male counter part to the ladies. They over work their pecs and biceps training only for appearance & ignoring functional fitness. My personal favorite about this group is when they spend endless minutes of their time at the gym flexing and admiring themselves in the mirror. These modern day Narcissus's' make me want to puke.

3.Snails pace treadmill hogs - self explanatory. If you're strolling along at 2.5 - 3.0 pace you're not really having a work out. This is about 10 times more annoying when they are hogging all the circulation fans too. Get the hell out of the way so I can actually do something.

4.Wannabe Trainers - these are the worst offenders of the bunch. Believe it or not personal training is a skilled profession and it's just insulting that there are some people out there who think they are on the same level as people who have actual kinesiology & physical education degrees after reading a few magazine articles and books. If your so called personal trainer looks like they could use a few laps around the yard themselves then I would take any advice they give with a huge grain of salt. Chances are they don't know their ass from their elbow. Another good indicator is if they have to sneak into the local gym to "train" their clients. Real trainers have jobs at these facilities and are well respected in the fitness community.

5.Cell phone & textaholics - NO ONE is so important & busy that they need to be on their phone during a workout. Even George Bush sends his calls to voice mail so he can train.

6.People that don't wipe down the machines when they're done. - sweat is a bodily fluid & yes bacteria & germs & even some seriously harmful diseases can be transmitted through sweat. If you're too lazy to spend 30 seconds using a spray bottle or sanitary wipe go train in a barn (if the cows will let you).


Heidi Schempp Fournier said...


'make me want to puke!' Hahaha!

Anonymous said...

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