Sunday, September 2, 2007

Remembering 9/11

We are about one week away from the 6th anniversary of the Terror attacks that collapsed the World Trade Center. This is a picture I took when I visited "Ground Zero" earlier this summer. Just being there is a humbling experience. When you peek through the construction fence and barricades you get a glimpse of the chaos that reigned that day. There is bits of paper and office debris, you can see the charred remains of metal and concrete.

I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing that day. I remember watching live on tv as the second plane struck tower two. I remember feeling confused and petrified. The whole day felt surreal.

I finally got the nerve to watch the movie "World Trade Center". I pretty much cried through the whole thing. Maybe I identified more with what the rescue workers were thinking and feeling because I am married to a firefighter. To this day Brad says that if he was there he would have gone in to help. I know that if something happened here he would be there too.

When I was in New York I had dinner with some of my dad's investors. They told us their account of that unbelievable day. I can safely admit that there was nothing I could say after hearing their story that felt remotely adequate. How do you articulate that much sympathy, that much sorrow and grief? I think all North Americans felt something that day, a deep anger, a profound sadness but also the determination to pull through and stand strong.

I'm not sure what the point of this post is. Just to reflect really. It was a day that changed all of us and I think that we should always remember and honor the people who died that day and be thankful for all of those who gave their life in the service of saving others.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Who are the Runners in your Neighborhood?

For the most part I don't consider the City of Lethbridge to be a particularly progressive place. The mall closes at 5:30 on weekday nights, every restaraunt has to offer steak and potatoes to placate the farmers, and we don't have recycling pick up. But there is one area where we really shine. Lethbridge has one of the largest running communities in Western Canada. Who would have thought that the little city locked in the Bible belt would boast one of the largest Canadian running clubs and a local race circuit that keeps you busy from March until November?! In my opinion the best part of this running explosion is the diversity within it. Thus today is my unofficial salute to all of my comrades and kindred spirits. My feet have been known to beat a path around West Lethbridge and here is a brief composite of some of the people I share my turf with:

1. The blond running girl. This girl is a machine. Everyday she beats a path behind my house along the top of the coulee. She runs twice a day usually around5 (gag) am and then again at supper time. I've seen her as far as the University which means she is routinely running a minimum of 5 miles per run. She is tall, thin and graceful in her gait. I totally admire her dedication.

2.The really fit backpack guy. This guy is another superfit runner. He does his miles with a weighted pack on his back even in the summer heat and man is he fast. Best thing about him? He always looks surprised when you stop the car and wave him across the street instead of making him stop. He gives a friendly wave and I salute back. Anyone who moves that fast with extra weight on their back deserves my total respect.

3. The long haired running mom. Everyday she is part of the neighborhood scenery. She has long dark hair and its usually tied back of her face so it trails down her back. She has really long legs and a smooth loping gait. I think the most beautiful thing about her is the look of absolute serenity she has on her face when she runs. Even when she's climbing the Bridge Drive hill.

4. The jogging housewife. This is the newest addition to our clan. She's a little heavy and self conscious. She keeps her runs to the times of day when the neighborhood is the least busy. She hasn't yet discovered the need for comfortable gear so she makes her laps in khaki shorts and Walmart sneakers. Every time I see her I want to roll down my van window and shout "go sister go, push, push, push, you're doing AWESOME!" But I think that would freak her out. I am trying to will a little bit of my runners high in her direction whenever our paths cross. I hope she finds the joy and fun in running that I have. I hope she keeps going at least for one more mile.

5. My girls. Well known around the neighborhood as the little sporty kids. Who are these people? I think is a familiar refrain around here as they see Chloe and I out for a quick 3 miles. She is all tall and rangy with long legs. She has that young person gazelle look to her and when she runs I get a glimpse of her as a young women; head held high gracefully running along the hills and my heart swells with pride. Then there is Elle. So little still but so determined to share in our family rituals. She insists on doing a quarter mile run every other day. This is a major feat for a 3 year old. She refuses to stop until she's back home. She's stubborn and head strong. She is a girl after my own heart and in the future I see her trail running, fast and not fearing the tough terrain she encounters.

6. Then there's me. Ponytail bouncing, ipod strapped on. Usually with a small black lab leading the way (love ya Balin). Whatever time of the day I can squeeze it and for however long I can manage. Usually with a smile on my face. I love my runs and the opportunity they give me to just be on my own and explore my community. Even though I've driven all of the West side in my van I always discover something new out my runs.

We are a rag tag motley crew. We all have our own routes, our own styles and our own rituals. But when you strip all of the differences away we are all runners and that in my opinion is a silent tie that binds.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Barack Obama's Red Hot Mama

Sex sells. And in 2007 sex is apparently useful for selling everything from cologne and underwear to presidential political platforms. Let's face it whether Senator Obama sanctioned it or not "The Obama Girl" and her You-tube clip have certainly boosted his campaign visibility. If Senator Obama's election camp did underhandedly sanction this sexy propaganda, it was bloody brilliant. Now thanks to one girl and her well endowed campaign t-shirt ,every average Joe strip club knows one of the key candidates in the democratic camp. Talk about cornering an untapped source of potential voters.
No doubt Miss Ettinger herself is enjoying her 15 minutes of fame as well. Let's face it while she is an attractive girl she's not Superstar quality and will never soar to the same heights as Angelina and Brittany. But in the midst of all the sexiness and political smoke and mirrors I have to wonder where the real issues are. The controversy and intrigue that Obama girl is creating is taking away from the real question that needs answering; Who is the best person to lead the United States over the next few years?
If you Google "Obama" the first sites that come up are about "Obama girl". The "Obama for President" site appears 3rd after two seats featuring Miss Ettinger and her famous video clip. When you Google "Obama girl" you get over 3 million hits. When you Google "Obama for president" you do get more, (7 million) hits but most of these are links to news clips. All of the hype makes me wonder where are Americans' priorities??
According to Mr. Obama's campaign site there are over 37 million Americans living below the poverty line and the United States is still grossly unprepared to deal with another homeland terrorist attack. Yet the sexy little minx in the clingy t-shirt is getting top billing on CNN.
Will Obama girl have her moment in the sun and then fade into a distant memory as the presidential vote draws near? Will she milk her brush with fame a la Lewinsky and write a book? (can she even write??) In the long run will all of the steaminess discredit the Obama platform or benefit the campaign push?
As an impartial and unaffected observer I am interested to see how the campaign unfolds in light of all the lust. Not since Clinton tootled on his sax on Leno have I gotten such a good laugh out of the American presidential race. I guess as a Canadian I can be thankful that no one in our political arena is remotely attractive enough to inspire an onslaught of sleaze. I mean could imagine a vixen sporting a "Harper for PM" tee??? YUCK!!

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

A new spin on fitness

As a young girl I was bitten by the ballerina bug and my parents were only too happy to oblige me with lessons. At the time I did ballet because I loved it and like so many other girls had ambitions of dancing professionally. What I was totally unaware of is what a great workout dancing is. I think my first foray into understanding the impact years of dance training had on fitness was when at 16 I got my first membership to a local gym. I was doing my equipment orientation and the trainer singled me out for a shoulder exercise. She couldn't get over how toned and shaped my shoulders were and asked what I did to get that definition. After some thought I realized that my ballet was responsible and told her as much. After all holding your arms in second position for some times an entire ballet class must have some effect on the physique. Anyway since then I have had a deep appreciation for the fitness benefits of dance training. (if you're still not convinced just look at the body of any professional dancer)
Today many people market dancing's benefits and you can take all kinds of dance classes for fitness purposes. A studio here in Lethbridge teaches a ballet fitness class for adults. The class requires no previous dance training and teaches students fundamental ballet moves. Having dropped in on the class a few times I can definitely affirm that it definitely will improve fitness. It is quick paced, challenging and offers students a wide variety of basic ballet steps combine with strengthening and toning fitness moves. At then end of the hour you are glistening in sweat and shining with the grace of a ballerina. It is an inventive, fun way to mix up your training and I highly recommend it to everyone looking to shape and tone their body into ballerina perfection.

Monday, August 6, 2007

You're Only As Old as You Feel

This is a picture of me and my Dad celebrating my 30th birthday in New York City. I have to admit I had a lot of "issues" with the idea of turning 30. I didn't want to end my 20s and kiss the the last part of my youth good bye (or so I thought).

As it turns out being 30 is not so bad. I don't feel any different and I think I have retained my youthful "joie de vivre". And although I will jokingly be 29 & holding forever, I have found a website that actually gives some literal advice about just how young I actually am. is a free website that lets you take a test to calculate your actual age as opposed to your chronological age. After the test is done they offer you tips and suggestions on how to lower your age and live a longer life. According to my "Real Age" test while I am chronologically 30.2, I am physiologically 25.2. I have magically added 5 years to my life by living well. Lifestyle choices that have lowered my real age are my decisions to exercise regularly, be socially active, eat well and manage my health. I am working everyday to keep feeling fit and young. So even though I am not chronologically living my roaring 20s anymore, it's nice to know that thanks to my good decisions I can actually be 25 & holding for a while!

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Expert Advice

As a self proclaimed kinesiology geek I am pretty comfortable directing my training. Currently my training goal is to complete a half marathon this October in Victoria. Things have been going quite well and I have been confident that I will breeze through to my two hour finish time. But even kinesiology geeks need coaching sometimes! That's why I turned to a colleague and mentor for some helpful advice. Lori has her Masters degree in exercise physiology and successfully runs a small fitness operation in Lethbridge. She is fairly busy with training a wide variety of clients so I was grateful for the chance to meet with her to discuss my training. We had a very productive meeting and I was happy to receive her endorsement. It is always reassuring to hear from a colleague that you are on the right track. But most of all I appreciated her little nuggets of wisdom that will tweak my training and improve my performance on race day. I was flattered to be called an athlete by her and appreciated the time she took to answer my questions and boost my confidence.
Yes even so called kinesiology geeks like me need a little help and at times like this I'm glad that I can turn to another expert for a push in the right direction.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Harry Potter Hype

When Harry Potter was first released I didn't understand what the big deal was. However since marrying a Harry Potter fan and sharing the stories with my girls I have developed a definite affection for Harry and entire Hogwart's gang. I enjoy curling up on the couch with my girls and a bowl of popcorn to watch the movies (we have all of the previously released installments). My girls love to play make believe and I have played every character from Hermione to Dobby. My fondness for Harry though seems to be of a slightly different vein than other adult fans.
I find it troubling that so many adults have gone to the trouble of over analyzing this great work of fiction. I saw a show on A&E where several academics discussed and debated the Harry Potter story. They analyzed character persona's and discussed Hogwart's happenings as if they were fact. And though I understand that all great literary works are subject to this type of dissection I couldn't help but think of how these so called experts had managed to suck the fun and dare I say "magic" out of J.K. Rowling's work. For as much as I love Harry and as much as I wish that Hogwart's was real so Chloe can realize her childhood ambition to learn witch craft and wizardry, the fact is that Harry Potter is a brilliant work of FICTION. Harry Potter is one of the world's finest representations of true unabated imagination, an ability that is in my opinion disappearing. Perhaps it's disappearing because of the human need to over analyze and pick everything apart. So I will leave analyzing the conclusion of the Harry Potter series to the eggheads, and I will enjoy it for what it is and always will be; a wonderful story, brilliantly told by someone who has never lost their childlike ability to dream.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

An Open letter to my Nemesis

Dear Nemesis,
I know you and you know me. Everyday when I enter the gym we face off in a silent battle. Neither of us wishes to acknowledge the battle exists but I have had enough. It's time to call you out and set the record straight. It's time to let the world know exactly what you are all about.
You are out of shape and eat trans fat. When you come to the gym you walk for 20 minutes on the treadmill at a 2.0 mph pace. You slog along on the elliptical trainer at a pace so slow it looks as though you are crawling through the dessert on a journey toward hell. You are afraid to break a sweat and you are afraid to really work. Yet you sit there and wonder why you don't lose weight. And oh yeah, you hog EVERY fan in the entire cardio room.
You look at me with a wrinkled nose and a scornful lip. You see me as a "skinny bitch" and think I've never had to struggle with my weight or body image. You watch me push the envelope and think I'm just an empty headed bimbo. You think that you are justified in monopolizing all of the fresh circulating air in the gym because "it's so much harder for you to workout" than it is for me. Sometimes you offer me a mocking apologetic smile and inane comment as you steal the fan from under my feet. Sometimes you have the nerve to say something "like sorry hon but I need this more than you". To this I say HA. I need the fan and you know it. The fact is you take secret pleasure in my excessive perspiration and dehydration. You love the fact that I am so overheated and think to yourself "that will teach you for working out so hard". Well my dear Nemesis I have news for you. Despite your attempts to turn me into a shriveled raisin, I will prevail. I'm not afraid of a little hard work or a little sweat. And even though you don't deserve it the next time I see you panting away as you walk slower than my baby crawls I will share a fan with you, because I'm not a gigantic fan hogging bitch. So to sum up the next time you steal my fan I hope you slip on my dripping pool of sweat.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

I love the lake

We are lucky enough to have close family friends with a cabin at Christina Lake. We are even luckier that they are hospitable enough to host us for a couple days each summer. And even though it is not our place, I look forward to my time out there each year.
It was a little crowded with all the kids running around but that was a small price to pay to be surrounded by utterly beautiful landscape. I was able to enjoy a run to the marina, a night of visiting with friends over a bottle of wine on the dock, swimming in the bath tub warm water, and delicious meals out on the deck. I slept like a log each night and have returned home feeling totally rejuvenated.
Getting a cabin of our own is a dream of mine and Brads'. Until we can afford it, I'm grateful for the generosity of my friends and those stolen moments of peace on the shore of Christina Lake.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

The healthiest cart contest.

Okay so I confess when it comes to standing in line at the grocery store, I'm a little nosey. I have developed a consistent habit of peeking at my line mates grocery order and seeing how they stack up on the nutritional scale. Here are some of the things I've noticed.

1. People who purchase large quantities of white bread and whole milk almost always have diet coke as part of their order (like its going to make a difference after all that fat and refined carbohydrate).

2. Young girls in their early to mid twenties are experiencing their first taste of a slowed metabolism. They try to compensate for their studentesque diets by purchasing the "low fat" version of cookies & chips. Perhaps they'd have better luck if they ate some fresh food instead.

3. Families that have carts heavily laden with items from the snack aisle tend to have chubby children.

Though it might not be any of my business, I think the items that wind up in your grocery cart speak volumes about the kind of lifestyle you lead. That's why I think as part of a healthy living campaign, a grocery chain should sponsor a healthiest cart contest. Points could be awarded to all foods in the store inventory based on how healthy each item is. Customers that accumulate the most points could receive a discount on their total grocery order and save some money. I think that this would be a fun way to motivate people to make healthier choices at the grocery store and to keep nosey Noras like me from having too much to gawk at.

Monday, July 9, 2007

The girl outside my window

Every evening at about the same time a girl runs by our kitchen window on the coulees. Without fail she is there hot, cold, wind or rain. She is a dedicated athlete. And even though I do not know this girl and we have never spoken, she is a kindred spirit. In her form, her consistency and speed you can see she loves to run. This is my connection to her and although it may sound cheesy we speak volumes as she passes by.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Jenn Davis is a crazy gym addict

This post is to quell any rumors and to put your mind at ease. It is to answer the question I am most frequently asked by friends and well wishers when I talk about my day to day activities. That question is "how do you do it?" This is the question that is asked of me when people discover that in addition to being a wife, mother of three small girls, college teacher and university student, that I am a dedicated runner and fitness enthusiast. I am always surprised and a little embarrassed by the fact that people are impressed and dare I say amazed that I work out so regularly. So here is the best explanation for why I do what I do....
1. I love the runners high. No I did not fall down and hit my head on the pavement but the endorphin boost I get during and following a good workout is rivaled only by an extremely satisfying orgasm.
2. I love the camraderie. Finding out you share the bond of running or training with someone is the equivalent to what women experience when they become mothers. You are indoctrinated into some kind of sacred fold where tales of bonking and scars from road rash are badges of honor. I have made friends for life with this common thread and when I go to a social function we runners huddle in a corner and talk of our exploits our victories and losses. It's a great way to meet people and it's a great way to strengthen friendships. I'm sure Heidi will concur that some of our best talks have been while we've been out pounding the pavement in our Asics.
3. It is time for ME ME ME!! Some days my run or trip to the gym is the only time I get that is TOTALLY mine. I adore my daughters and I know they adore me but this adoration comes with a price. Most of the time I live in the world where I pee with an audience, eat with someone sitting on my lap and converse in Ellinese (the official language of Elle). That one or two precicous hours when it's just me and the trail and the sound of breath and foot falls is like a sanctuary. I can think, I can dream, I can relax. These moments are GOLDEN and they make it easier for me to keep up with the rest of my life.
So in a nutshell that is why I do it. That is why I love it.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Observe silence tonight at 7pm Eastern

Our family is saddened by the news of 9 fallen firefighters in South Carolina. Our prayers are with the families and coworkers of their fire departement. Tonight at 7pm eastern (5 pm local time), please join us and firefighter families around the world in a minute of silent respect for those who have died.

Last Call By Jim Martinez:
My father was fireman. He drove a big red truck, and when he'd go to work each day he'd say, "Mother wish me luck." Then Dad would not come home again 'till sometime the next day. But the thing that bothered me the most was the thing's some folks would say, "A fireman's life is easy, he eats and sleeps and plays, and sometimes he wont fight a fire for days and days." When I first heard these words I was too young to understand but I knew when people had trouble Dad was there to lend a hand.
Then my father went to work one day and kissed us all goodbye but little did we realizes that night we all would cry. My father lost his life that night when the floor gave way below and I'd wondered why he'd risk his life for someone he did not know. But now I truly realize the greatest gift a man can give is to lay his life upon the line so that someone else might live. So as we go from day to day and we pray to God above, say a prayer for your local fireman. He may save the one's you love.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

She's so Victorious!!

Today we are celebrating a big win in our household. Chloe competed in her first Kids Of Steel Triathlon and was triumphant. She took second place in her age group and one was one of only a handful of seven year olds to attempt all three legs of the race solo.

She swam, she biked, she ran her butt off and in the end it was all worth it. We were so excited when they announced her name at the awards ceremony. This achievement has definitely boosted her confidence and will carry her into more races and bigger challenges. We are very proud of her for working so hard, setting goals and trying her best!!

I love this picture of her, a very tired but extremely happy girl tasting the sweetness of success for the first time!! Conquering Kids of Steel today and winning Ironmans tomorrow!!

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Aerobics Barbie & Other Gym Atrocities

Last night an annoying incident at the gym inspired me to post this list of gym & work out pet peeves....

1. Aerobics Barbies (aka Gym Bimbos) - we've all seen them before. There they stand perfectly groomed & made up, in an utterly coordinated Lululemon outfit. They roam around the gym in pairs or groups of three and never seem to break a sweat. They are a giggling, ditsy, pain in the ass. Always getting in the way of serious gym goers.

2.Muscle Bound Morons - these are the male counter part to the ladies. They over work their pecs and biceps training only for appearance & ignoring functional fitness. My personal favorite about this group is when they spend endless minutes of their time at the gym flexing and admiring themselves in the mirror. These modern day Narcissus's' make me want to puke.

3.Snails pace treadmill hogs - self explanatory. If you're strolling along at 2.5 - 3.0 pace you're not really having a work out. This is about 10 times more annoying when they are hogging all the circulation fans too. Get the hell out of the way so I can actually do something.

4.Wannabe Trainers - these are the worst offenders of the bunch. Believe it or not personal training is a skilled profession and it's just insulting that there are some people out there who think they are on the same level as people who have actual kinesiology & physical education degrees after reading a few magazine articles and books. If your so called personal trainer looks like they could use a few laps around the yard themselves then I would take any advice they give with a huge grain of salt. Chances are they don't know their ass from their elbow. Another good indicator is if they have to sneak into the local gym to "train" their clients. Real trainers have jobs at these facilities and are well respected in the fitness community.

5.Cell phone & textaholics - NO ONE is so important & busy that they need to be on their phone during a workout. Even George Bush sends his calls to voice mail so he can train.

6.People that don't wipe down the machines when they're done. - sweat is a bodily fluid & yes bacteria & germs & even some seriously harmful diseases can be transmitted through sweat. If you're too lazy to spend 30 seconds using a spray bottle or sanitary wipe go train in a barn (if the cows will let you).

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Wasn't that a party!

Last night Brad actually managed to surprise me by throwing an early birthday party for me. All of the major players were there including the Rack Pack girls, our neighbors & friends from the fire department. It was great to relax & enjoy our new hot tub in the company of so many cool folks. Plus I also acquired enough bottles of wine to last the whole summer. (Thanks everyone)
As I made my way around the yard visiting with all of my friends and accepting many well wishes I couldn't help thinking...... 30 isn't so bad, especially when I have so many awesome people to share it with!

Thursday, May 31, 2007

My secret favorite tv show

At the suggestion of some of my students I hesitantly tuned in to watch "Dog the Bounty Hunter", to get a look at his apparently legendary mullet & his wife's monstrously huge breasts. Typically this is not the type of show I would watch. In fact I think that the only people who routinely select programming that features leathery looking ex cons and their bleach blonde wives reside in dwellings classified according to how many axels they have. But now I am addicted and can't stop.
Dog and his crew kept me company many nights while I sat in a hospital room at LRH nursing a tiny baby and to this day Scarlett can be lulled to sleep by Ozzy belting out the theme song. I love the action, the goofy looking beads he wears in his hair and the sleazy people he "takes down". So in spite of my tendencies to enjoy more intelligent forms of entertainment there is nothing better in the middle of a long sleepless night than spending a little time with my friendly neighborhood bounty hunter.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Go Runner Girl Go!!

Yesterday our family participated in the 2nd Music for the Soul marathon.
Since I am still building my mileage I opted to volunteer in the therapy tent. I massaged tons of runners and met some really interesting people and accomplished athletes,
Chloe ran in the 2.2km kids marathon. Over the last few months she's accumulated 40km running on her own time in order to finish her final leg of marathon running at the race. She did really well and we couldn't be more proud. She is really proud of herself too. Today she donned her race shirt and packed her medal and race number in her backpack to show her friends at school. She was so pumped that when we came home yesterday she did a four mile bike ride along side mom while I ran. Congrats Chloe, you're a star!!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

Lately I've been thinking about how many cool women I have the privilege of calling my friends. It amazes me how I've been able to connect with so many different women with different stories and I admire them all.

I admire my girls who are single mothers. They are gutsy and incredible.

I admire my girls who are married and dazzle me with their abilities to support their spouse and stll be unique and independent.

I admire my girls who are divorced for knowing themselves well enough to make a change and for picking up and moving on.

I admire my girls who are single and living life to the fullest on their terms.

I admire my little girls who are sunshine and rainbows and happiness. They give me a lift everyday.

To all my girls big and small I love ya and treasure what you give me!!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

He's grouchy now but soon he'll be a hhm

A happy healthy monster! (or motsner as Elle would say) is what we want for our darling Bradley. He is still counting the hours until his five days of very healthy eating comes to an end, but I think some of the healthy meals and snacks are growing on him. Tonight's turkey tacos were a big hit. Even though he wasn't allowed any cheese or sour cream and the tortillas were whole wheat. Maybe just maybe some of this cuisine will creep into his regular diet a little more often. Then he can start feeling the energy he claims to have lost.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

This is my husband on healthy eating...

Whine, whine, whine!! That is what my darling husband is doing on day two of his vitality eating plan. He misses his bread, his crackers, his snacks. Thankfully this plan is only five days so he will be done before he knows it. Hopefully he will be pleased with the end results. Meanwhile I am trying to placate him with lots of fruit to nibble on the forever popular soy milk & fruit smoothie!!

Monday, May 21, 2007

Vitality Day One

As day one draws to a close I am pretty proud of us for getting off to such a good start. Brad had to work extra hard at not caving in since he worked last night and then got little sleep today. My dad was down helping us work on the basement and Brad successfully turned down chips, beer and just the temptation to eat junk food to give him an artificial energy lift.
One of my main goals with this nutrition plan is to make sure we're not depriving ourselves of energy. Since we are dealing with huges demands on our energy supply whether it be at work or at home with the kids, adequate fuel is a must. So I sent Brad off to work his night shift with his baked chicken, brown rice & broccoli plus three different kinds of fruit and some probiotic yogurt to snack on.
I just finished my chicken dinner and it was YUMMY if I do say so myself. Later I will indulge in a little fresh fruit too. Alas my fruit will not be accompanied by a glass of white wine but I'll survive!!

Friday, May 18, 2007

T minus 72 hours....

There are only three days left until Brad and I begin our week long nutrition program. I'm preparing by writing grocery lists and budgeting time on the weekend for making soup and doing other food prep. Brad sees Monday approaching with some sort of impending doom and is in some ways gorging himself on his favorite comfort foods that he is not allowed during our week of high octane nutrition. Last night he requested I bring home deli style potatoe salad for him. YUCK!! As I sat there and watched him ingest patatoes coated in mayonaise I silently willed Monday to get here faster.
Here's the Soup Recipe
2 cans stewed tomatoes
3 green onions
1 can fat free beef broth
1 bunch celery
2 cans green beans
2 lb carrots
2 green peppers
Chop veggies and place in pot with beef broth and tomatoes. Cover with water. Bring to a fast boil, reduce heat and simmer until vegetables are tender. Season with worchestershire sauce, garlic or pepper.

Monday, May 14, 2007

The Vitality Eating Plan

In the spirit of Spring Cleaning, I have challenged my husband to do five days of healthy eating with me. This is NOT a diet but rather a commitment to eat only healthy foods at every meal and snack for five days. I have borrowed recipes and ideas from other eating plans (I despise the word diet) and designed something that I think is feasible for us to maintain.
Here's the plan:
Breakfast: Activia yogurt with bran buds and fruit (any fruit you like)
Lunch: The sacred heart soup (stay tuned for the recipe) and a whole wheat roll (no butter)
Dinner: Day 1 - baked chicken & brown rice, Day 2 - baked potato (plain), broiled peppers & mushrooms, steamed broccoli, Day 3 - grilled portabello mushroom caps, steamed asparagus, brown rice, Day 4 - broiled mushrooms & peppers, brown rice, Greek salad (no feta), Day 5 - baked potato, grilled chicken, steamed broccoli
Authorized snacks: smoothies (made with fruit & soy milk), dried apricots & unsalted almonds, yogurt, fresh fruit, veggies sticks
Authorized beverages: water, unsweetened fruit juice, skim milk, soy milk, skim chocolate milk, V8 juice, plain tea
The purpose of this diet is not for weight loss, it's just to improve our energy and make us feel more alive!
We start next Monday check in to see how we're doing!

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Fitness Thoughts for Today

1. Treadmills might be boring but they add much needed cushioning when you've been running on the pavement too long.
2. Chocolate milk is the best post work out treat... EVER!!
3. When it comes to training quality is much better than quantity so don't feel guilty about only getting in 3 intense workouts each week.
4. Flying a kite with kids is a great way to get extra intervals in and makes you laugh until your sides hurt.
5. Sharing your passion with someone pays off when they call you on the phone to tell you they've just completed their first 10km run. (Congratulations Heather!!)
6. Making a life long commitment to fitness and activity is one of the best decisions I've made in my entire life.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Be Young at Heart, Train Smart!

My daughters are learning to skip and I'm really having fun teaching them how. It's amazing how much I remember when it comes to this sport. In reality I haven't skipped since I was in elementary school so it was a pleasant surprise to find out my nervous system hasn't forgotten what to do. I can even do the "tricks" I worked so hard to master back in grade three. I remember that in elementary school we used to participate in a program called "Jump Rope for Heart". We had monthly skipathons in which we raised money for heart research and reaped the benefits of a healthy cardiorespiratory system. I wish they still had this program running in schools but alas there is much less focus on physical fitness in schools today as I am learning as Chloe journeys through the first grade. But I'm still glad that I can share this fun sport with my girls. I even turned my sorority's original cheer from 1904 into a skipping game for them and they love it! As an adult I'm enjoying the immense fitness benefits of skipping. Just ten minutes of skipping burns between 70 & 110 calories and builds fast twitch muscle fibre in the legs. This will totally enhance my running and my relationship with my bestest buddies Chloe and Elle!

Thursday, May 3, 2007

I'm worth a lot

I just read a cool article on the financial worth of a mother. According to an article on if a woman were paid for all of her duties as a mother she would earn $138 000 each year. The article also said that moms do over half of their work week in overtime.

Out of all the jobs I've done being a mother is the most difficult and certainly the most rewarding. At times having 3 little girls is exhausting and thankless work. But even though the big salary would be nice I would settle for snuggles and hugs from my girls any time.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Back to Basics

I recently read an article on the benefits of bare footed running. I was kind of surprised to come across this information since most of what I've read recommends this type of training only if you have strong problem free feet. My feet are riddled with problems; low arches, Morton's toes, bunions, etc. so I've always shied away from this idea. However, this research suggested that persistent bare footed running can actually strengthen and raise your arches and improve your foot biomechanics. It discusses the idea that our hi tech running shoes actually prevent our feet from maintaining and developing strength because they are "overly supported". After thinking about it for a while I am starting to feel compelled to give this bare foot running regime a try. BUT.... where on earth would I feel comfortable running in my bare feet in Lethbridge?? I cringe at the thought of my feet pounding along concrete and asphalt, my skin crawls at the thought of stepping in doggie poo in the field. The sensation of trail shale pricking my feet is not at all appealing. The only classic solution is to run in the sand on a beach and our land locked province isn't exactly known for its beaches. So alas my bare foot running experiment will have to wait until this summer when I am vacationing on the Pacific coast. At least this will provide a more pristine location to try out this somewhat controversial training method.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Only one way to go

Ah interval training. A great way to get a mega calorie burn in a relatively quick session. You can't interval train forever so it needs to be part of your periodization routine. I am in an interval cycle right now and am totally enjoying the challenge. I love the fact that because speed intervals are supposed to be short and intense that I can really push myself. Today for example I did four 2 minute intervals at a 7:30 mph pace. So over a mile of my run was at this pace. Not to mention I felt fast and invincible. I've been making gains on speed quite quickly which has built my confidence as well as my fitness. In the midst of all of this progress I can't help but wonder when I'll reach my limit. In my version of Shan- gri- la I would work my way up to at least a five minute mile. Reality will see me somewhere closer to 7 or 8 minutes. But until I actually reach my peak all I can do is enjoy the ride to the top.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Wanted one Nanny to help one Mummy

As some of my more faithful readers know I am an extremely busy woman. Right now I am on maternity leave until September. At this time my life will resume the mach 3 speed I am accustomed to. This fall seems particularly crazy. Not only will I be parenting and attending university classes, I will also be working twice as much since my program now has two years of study running simultaneously. Today as I registered for my fall semester classes I started to panic a little. How am I going to manage my schedule and that of my darling daughters. Chloe has school and swim club, Elle is starting preschool and little Scarlett needs lots of attention. I guess I forgot to mention my shift working husband!! (Okay I need to take another deep breath) How am I going to be in five places at once and still find time to eat, sleep, exercise, study and mark assignments?
Then I had an epiphany! With the extra cash I'm going to be making I will be able to afford to hire a nanny. A nanny would mean assistance with my children in my home on my schedule. It would be a lot less running around and give me so much peace of mind. The more I thought about it the more feasible it all seemed.
And then my husband had to prick little holes in my bubble of joy. He is trying to veto my great idea. He thinks it is too much money. I know it's more than we are used to paying for child care but it still seems totally reasonable considering the alternative. That being, chasing around to day homes, after school care, and hiring babysitters to fill the gaps. Part of me thinks that he is not as enthused about hiring a nanny because he is not as involved with the kids as I am. I want to be fair but I think that I really deserve this kind of help. I don't anticipate that we would need a nanny for more than a year or so until the kids are a little older. Am I crazy for wanting this??

Sunday, April 22, 2007

This is Too Much

All you have to do is read one of my blog posts and you'll figure out pretty quickly that I am a fitness advocate. I think that the main thing keeping the North American population from curbing the rate of cardiovascular disease and type II diabetes is a little bit of good old fashioned exercise. That's why I am totally appalled that this spring Canadian Tire has chosen to sell an electric bicycle. What's an electric bicycle? Just like a regular bike with one exception, a motor that will do the work of pedaling for you. All you have to do is sit there and feel your ass grow. Now when you take a good old fashioned bike ride with your kids on a balmy summer evening it will feel like you never left the couch at all. Hell why not bring your blackberry or portable DVD player with you? That way you don't even have to miss an episode of your favorite show.

Apparently our society has become so obsessed with convenience and making things easy for ourselves that we've overlooked the fact that our bodies are designed to move and work. One of my university professor's summed it up well when he said we have Pleistocene body in a modern sedentary world. The fact that we keep looking for ways to decrease our mobility makes me sick. If we can't muster the energy to burn 150 calories on a 30 minute leisurely bike ride how on earth are we going to move the human race into the future?

Friday, April 20, 2007

Fitness Reads You Need

There's a lot of books you can read about how to run or how to train. Here are some of my favorite books that are just good old fashioned stories and "lore" and one fantastic book that's all about nutrition but not at all about weight loss:

1. Sole Sisters by J. Lin & S. Warner - a short collection of anecdotes about women who love to run & why they do it. Totally inspiring I loved it all.

2. Bowerman & the Men of Oregon by K. Moore - all about the legend himself. His protege Kenny Moore captures the essence of the American Dream Bowerman lived by chronicling his life and achievements. I couldn't put it down.

3. Food for Fitness by Chris Carmichael. Thank you Lance's coach for writing a book about nutrition that is actually useful for something other than losing weight. I loved all of the information in this book, it was easy to read and the recipes are yummy!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

A time to reflect

I can't let this week go by without taking the opportunity to comment on the horrific events that took place at Virginia Tech on Monday.

As an instructor at a post secondary institution I share the outrage and grief experienced by all the students, faculty and staff at Virginia Tech. These poor people were robbed of their right to freely and safely pursue knowledge by an obviously deluded whacko.

My deepest condolences go out to the victims and their families. I admire the bravery and courage of the survivors. The determination of the entire collegiate community gives me hope for a new and better tomorrow. My prayer for all of them is that they rise from their despair and continue on their paths of higher learning.

Last night while I was watching the news Chloe sat beside me. Of course she had questions and I struggled to explain things in terms that a seven year old would understand. After I finished telling her about what had happened she sat quietly for a minute. Then she turned to me and said "well I'm definitely going to have to pray for those people tonight". I couldn't help but think that her innocent intention was probably what needed to be done most.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

I am the "Indoctrinator"

Over the last few years I have acquired a reputation as the person to go to if you want to learn about running. It all started when my friend Heidi was looking for a fitness program she could stick to and it kind of snowballed from there. I am now directly or indirectly responsible for getting over a dozen people started on a running program.
Today I am welcoming a new member into the fold. Teresa is mother to one of Chloe's friends and is ready to take her first tentative steps into the running world. And so I am going to meet her equipped with my best running lore and facts, my super cool hi-tech running gadgets and of course my old faithful running shoes. Our first run will only be 30 minutes but I am optimistic that will be all the time I need to help her find "the runner within" and help her become an athlete for life.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

An Amendment to My List

I can't believe I left this off my NYC list because it's something that every girl needs to do just once...


I can't wait to look at all the sparkle sparkle and live out my own Hepburnesque fantasy.

Everything is better at Tiffany's!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Start Spreading the News...

This June I get to check one item off my "life's wish list". Thanks to my darling hubby and the silver fox (aka my dad) my 30th birthday present is a trip to New York to shop and soak up the metropolitan culture. I'M SO EXCITED!!! I have wanted to go there for so long so I am busily researching all the things I want to experience while I'm there.

Here's my to do list so far:

1. Drinks at the Rainbow room

2. A visit to Barney's

3. Shopping at a sample sale

4. A makeover at Sephora

5. Visiting the Metropolitan mueseum

6. A Broadway show

7. A visit to Central Park

It's going to be so hard to pick and choose what to do and see since I want to do it all. I will definitely be researching the web to make my first trip to the big apple the best it can possibly be!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Tunes that keep me going

When it comes to my workouts, I NEED music to keep me going. I have actually named my ipod "jenn's pod and running buddy". Yesterday these are the tunes that carried me through my first interval training workout:

1. Hey Ho Let's Go - The Ramones

2. Fergalicious (sorry Heidi I love it) - Fergie

3. Whoomp There It Is - Tag Team

4. Girlfriend - Avril Lavigne

5. James Brown Is Dead - LA Style

6. Save a Horse Ride a Cowboy - Big & Rich

7. Wind it Up - Gwen Stefani

8. This Ain't a Scene (it's an arms race) - Fall Out Boy

9. Dragula - Rob Zombie

10. High School Never Ends - Bowling for Soup

Monday, April 9, 2007


Okay normally I do not watch the reality series "the Bachelor". HOWEVER, this time I really can't help myself. The guy they have this season is UBER sexy. Even my husband has to grudgingly admit that Dr. Andy is almost godlike. I was drooling just at his CV alone and then I saw a shot of him without his shirt on. That turned me into a Pavlovian mess. Don't get me wrong I'm a happily married woman but it's nice to have a little eye candy once in a while!!

Saturday, April 7, 2007

A Great Way to Cross Train!!

Recently I read that during a regular 90 minute regulatory soccer game a midfielder runs up to 6 miles!!! I played indoor & outdoor soccer last year & definitely noticed an improvement in my running as a result. This year pregnancy & a newborn baby kept me off the pitch. After stumbling across this little statistic I am definitely looking forward to getting back on the field this fall!!

Friday, April 6, 2007

And Visions of Hopkinton danced in her head...

Yesterday evening I had one of those great long runs. You know the ones; your legs are strong and powerful, your breathing is even & easy. You feel like you could go on forever. Usually about mid way through these long runs my euphoria peaks and my runners high sets in. I think the high I get from sustaining an 8:49 pace must make me delerious because as I trotted along I actually started to think about qualifying for the "granddaddy of them all", the Boston Marathon. In my 10 foot tall and bullet proof trance I actually had the following thoughts:
1. I can qualify with just one try.
2. Heartbreak hill? Doesn't scare me. Have you seen some of the hills in Lethbridge?
3. I wonder what kind of shoes I should wear.....
Clearly I was not lucid. But I did enjoy this delusion and what it did for my confidence. Even if the challenges of Boston are elusive it's thoughts like these that keep me going at least another mile.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

It's not always how you look........

Like most other women out there I have issues with body image. I wish my waist were a little smaller, my abs a little firmer and my thighs a little more toned. At size 4 I still feel fat. Like most other girls out there I have been searching for the best way to combat these feelings. Somedays it seems impossible to silence my inner critic. I'm always pleased when I hear of movements in the media that embrace women for who they are. One I am especially impressed with is how the Spanish fashion industry banned models that are "too skinny". If you are supposed to live your life in the clothes displayed at fashion shows then it should be showcased by real women. Not anorexic abominations that look like death warmed over. As a mother of 3 girls I am forever worried that the way they see women portrayed in popular culture will impair my daughter's confidence and esteem. The new wave toward realistic sizes in fashion modelling gives me a tiny glimmer of hope that things will be different for the women of their generation. Skinny doesn't always equal healthy. That's a powerful message.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Friends of the Moonlight

This is a picture of one of my proudest moments. This past Saturday night my oldest daughter joined the ranks of recreational athletics and completed her first 6km road race. With the help of her two best friends and my fantastic babysitters, Chloe crossed the finish line in 49:32. She was the first six year old girl to cross the finish line and placed 19/56 in her age category (top 20!!!). The best part of the whole evening? Chloe had a blast. Since I crossed the finish line in 36:50 I stood and waited anxiously for her and her friends to appear. As soon as they did I was the loudest person out there, cheering them on as they ran down the home stretch. The biggest reward for me was seeing an ear to ear grin on Chloe's face as he came across the line. This is a fantastic accomplishment for her and the other young girls she ran with. She's already talking about her next race, I couldn't be happier to hear that.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

A Natural Born Athlete

This is Elle my soon to be three year old daughter. All parents dream of greatness for their children so today I beamed with pride while at gym class several coaches and parents commented on my little girls natural athletic ability.

Elle is soccer obsessed and loves to kick a soccer ball around. She is already able to dribble, kick with the inside and outside of her foot, toe stop and aim and score on a net. She has a vast supply of energy and can literally run and chase a ball for hours on end. She loves to move and it brings me so much joy to see her having fun. The other day when I returned home from a run Elle had just woken up from her nap. She was mad at me for not taking her running and then insisted that she run all the way to the bus stop to fetch her sister. As I walked behind her she would turn around and shout "hurry up mom". I can't wait until she is old enough to join a soccer league and say with complete confidence that she will likely complete her first 5km race at the age of 4 or 5.

I hope that Elle will continue to enjoy physical activity. I think that it will bring her a sense of achievement as she continues to grow. While I'm content to let her find her own path in life the dreamer in me thinks it would be pretty swell if some day my little girl achieved Olympic glory.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The Best Coach I've Ever Had...

With the arrival of warmer weather I have been taking my training outside and running with my buddy, our black lab 'Balin'. Balin is a search and rescue dog and classifying him as "high energy" would be a colossal understatement. One of his favorite activities is to come running with me. Unlike other dogs, Balin is totally antisocial. While his older and more sedate brother Bhodi enjoys getting out to frolick in the coulees and sniff other dogs butts, Balin is all business. He rarely runs up to other dogs when we are out together and never ever stops to smell the roses (or dog pee). Balin so loves our runs that he insists that we stay together. For example if I slow down or stop to retie a shoe lace he faithfully comes bounding back and waits for me. Sometimes he gets exasperated with my slow human pace and barks joyfully to egg me on. During our runs together there are two things I try to do; 1) I try to run at least one mile at Balin's super fast doggie pace and 2) I try to give him at least a mile on our route off leash. Recently my runs with him have been leaving me utterly winded and feeling sick. I often have to slow down to a very slow jog or even a walk. Up until last night I have been blaming this on my recent nasty chest cold, but last night something incredible happened. I went to the gym and hopped on the treadmill. My mission was clear; get to the bottom of what's making me feel so icky and sluggish when I'm out with Balin. I had intended to start my run at what I considered a good pace for me, 6.2 mph. Well surprise surprise this felt incredibly easy and dare I say slow. After a mile I upped my speed to 6.7 mph. A little more work, but still totally manageable and fun. I then put on my brave face and upped the pace again to 6.9 mph. After about five minutes of this I was definitely starting to fatigue but still could have kept going. By the end of my run I had completed close to 4 miles in under 30 minutes. I was totally elated and wondered to myself how fast I have been running with Balin. His exuberance and joy while running is hard to resist and I am always sucked into his pace and his world when we are out together. It's because of this incredibly athletic little dog that I have been able to interval train and make significant gains without even noticing. Thanks Balin for making me a better runner. I owe you a belly rub and maybe an extra cookie!

Sunday, March 18, 2007

bring on the rain

This morning I woke up to what I consider a pleasant surprise. Instead of snow, the clouds that rolled in over night sprinkled a gentle rain onto the sleeping town of Lethbridge. As I came downstairs I was so thrilled to see a wet deck and water droplets clinging to my window. I love the rain. Mostly because it reminds me of one of my favorite places on earth; the west coast of Canada. Unlike snow, the rain represents renewal to me. It washes away build up and leaves everything fresh and vibrant. With the first day of spring approaching, this rain was the perfect way to lift my spirits for the new season. I love the crisp, light, cool feeling the earth has when I step outside after a rain. One of my favorite indulgences is to run in the rain because it's so healing. The sounds, smells and sights of rain work wonders. This morning I feel calm, serene and totally energized. All thanks to a little bit of water that fell out of the sky.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Sometimes you need a different perspective...

Yesterday we worked on our headstands in yoga. As I rested the weight of my body and world on my head and shoulders I couldn't help but smile. I thought of my children who love to hang upside down. They are full of exuberance and happiness. Technically speaking the yoga headstand boasts the benefits of easing depression, stimulating the pituitary, toning the core and relieving the symptoms of asthma and other respiratory problems. But after a little introspection while defying gravity, I've decided I'll take the fringe benefits of feeling like a care-free six year old......... even if it's only for a moment!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

An update on my progress

The past two days have been great work outs. Yesterday I did hill training during my run and then lower body strengthening. At the end of my run I had run 3.33 miles in about 37 minutes. I am keeping a steady pace when I run the inclines which is very important for me. Right now I do four 2.5 minute hill intervals. This means that I spend about 1.0 miles running up hill. The moonlight run features a 1.1km hill right at the end of the run so if I can sustain a mile of hills during training I should be able to pull it together for the race.

Today was a 45 minute tempo run. I was really happy with this training session. My speed was 6.0 - 6.4 for the duration (less 3 one minute walk breaks). I am encouraged that I felt fantastic through the whole run. It gives me hope that I can sustain those tempos during the race. Feeling strong is the best reward when I've worked hard.

I am now ready to start thinking about speed training. My plan is to begin interval training next week. My initial speed interval will be only one minute long and hopefully by mid March (two weeks before the run) I will be up to a two - three minute speed interval. Then I can taper off with the comfort of knowing that I will be able to push it.

I am discovering how much my mental state affects my training and especially my results. If I am in the right frame of mind it is amazing what I can accomplish. If I listen to my inner critic too much I crash and burn. I am definitely planning to work more on the mental aspects of my training in the coming weeks because come race day I think it can be the difference between an average time and a personal best.

Finally I have to once again rave about how yoga is helping me. It is definitely helping to develop my visualization and contemplation and I am growing positive energy. I have more mental energy and more spirit this means more passion in my sport. Physically yoga has prevented lots of aches and pains. I feel looser and more relaxed. I am really enjoying connecting my heart and body.

Now that I seem to be on the right track with my training I am definitely looking forward to stepping up the intensity of my workouts.

Monday, February 12, 2007

When the weather outside is frightful.......

It has been snowing here for almost a full week now. When I look out onto my deck, the patio chairs have nearly 6 inches of snow piled up on them. This is in fact the snowiest winter I've experienced in the last ten years. Here in Lethbridge we are reliant on warm Chinook winds blowing through to dig us out of the snow. Actually, our municipal government has little money set aside for things such as plowing the roads and sanding slippery intersections. So suffice it to say that this little spell of abundant percipitation has made getting out to train a challenge. But being a brave girl I venture out onto the snowy streets. Charging my minivan toward the gym and praying my traction control won't fail. My husband thinks I'm deranged of course. I think I'm dedicated. I just hope that it won't be this snowy for the upcoming Moonlight run or I'll need some snow shoes to navigate my way through Indian Battle park.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Itchy Feet

I'm doing what I can to listen to my body. Since I'm feeling better a huge part of me wants to dash off to the gym. Instead I'm trying to honor my sore throat and sniffles and give them adequate time to heal. Then I will get back to business. But in the mean time, my feet are definitely restless.......

Monday, February 5, 2007

On The Mend........

Well it finally caught up to me. All of my running around to appointments and not sleeping more than three hours a night resulted in a yucky stomach flu. I spent most of yesterday laying in bed. Today I am feeling a little better but still plagued with a funky tummy. I am taking things slow and trying to rest as much as I can. As soon as I feel better I will go back to the my workout schedule.
I did manage to do a short run on Saturday, a quick 2 miles. The best part about this run was that I was joined by my daughter Chloe. She is preparing for her first Moonlight run. I was definitely a proud mom watching her run, I love sharing my passion with her and can't wait until all three of my girls can join me.

Friday, February 2, 2007


From Desmond Chiong
- Sit down, relax. Breathe and smile.- Be happy, be peaceful, let's practice the smiling yoga.
- Smile. Smile even more. Smile as if you were Enlightened.- Happy, blissful, delighted. A happy camper on the shore of nirvana's shining sea.
- Smile, grin. Be silly.- Breathing in, relax your mind.- Breathing out, smile, smile, and smile; Buddhas have more fun.
- Ttry to look as enlightened as you can.- Why pretend to be unhappy, harried, and miserable?
- Since we all pretend anyway..- Why not pretend to be happy for a change? See how that feels.
- Try to look and act as if you are totally enlightened. What would that look like?
- Free, joyful, light, and buoyant.- Glorious, radiant, peaceful.- Perfectly content and fulfilled.- Fully evolved.
- Awakened Buddha.- Be Buddha.- You too can do it.
- Be Buddha. You-dha.
- Become Buddhaful.- Smile wildly, turn your head upward, elevate your spirit.- Let the mind unfurl and the heart soar.
- Press your shining face up against the heavens.- Open to blessings, loving acceptance and forgiveness.
- Look as enlightened as you possibly can.- Smile happily. Why not be happy?
- Allow joy to happen. Don't close yourself up.- Be 'there' now. Be happy. Be peaceful. Be whole, complete, luminous.
- Be at home and at ease before your own hearth,- An organic homegrown, Home-Buddha in His or her own Natural Buddha-field.
- Smile, Home-Buddha! Enjoy yourself.- Be yourself, your true self. Enjoy it. You deserve it.- Be happy. Be Buddhaful- Be happy. Be beautiful are