Wednesday, July 11, 2007

The healthiest cart contest.

Okay so I confess when it comes to standing in line at the grocery store, I'm a little nosey. I have developed a consistent habit of peeking at my line mates grocery order and seeing how they stack up on the nutritional scale. Here are some of the things I've noticed.

1. People who purchase large quantities of white bread and whole milk almost always have diet coke as part of their order (like its going to make a difference after all that fat and refined carbohydrate).

2. Young girls in their early to mid twenties are experiencing their first taste of a slowed metabolism. They try to compensate for their studentesque diets by purchasing the "low fat" version of cookies & chips. Perhaps they'd have better luck if they ate some fresh food instead.

3. Families that have carts heavily laden with items from the snack aisle tend to have chubby children.

Though it might not be any of my business, I think the items that wind up in your grocery cart speak volumes about the kind of lifestyle you lead. That's why I think as part of a healthy living campaign, a grocery chain should sponsor a healthiest cart contest. Points could be awarded to all foods in the store inventory based on how healthy each item is. Customers that accumulate the most points could receive a discount on their total grocery order and save some money. I think that this would be a fun way to motivate people to make healthier choices at the grocery store and to keep nosey Noras like me from having too much to gawk at.

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