Monday, December 18, 2006

Runnin Fool

I am famous for my love of running. I have even sparked an underground movement of running minions here in Lethbridge. My friend Heidi has immortalized me with the "Jenny Davis running program" and is now religiously recruiting new initiates with cult like zeal. Given this you can just imagine how hard it was for me to slow down and take time off during the last trimester of my pregnancy.
Yesterday marked my return to running with my first postpartum workout. At 26 days postpartum I knew I had to take it easy but once I had my ipod cranked up and started to feel the first thrill of that runners high, my quick 20 minutes on the treadmill grew to 35 at a moderate pace.
I was pleasantly surprised at the fact that I wasn't gasping for breath or doubled over with a painful stitch. Apparently my weeks of sitting on the couch and scarfing fudgeeos wasn't as detrimental as I anticipated.
Now I am really looking forward to getting back in shape for the spring running season. I have already committed myself to two runs (a 10km & 8km) and completing the run during a local triathlon as part of a team. Brad says that I should be happy with the fact that I am back doing what I love but I can't help but allow my competitive tendencies to shine. I think competing with my PRs is one of the things I love best about this sport.

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